
Executive Coaching Services

Executive Career Coaching

Are you trying to achieve that next level in your career? Are you scratching your head trying to figure out why you’ve been overlooked for an internal promotion? Or maybe you’re having trouble managing your direct reports? Executive coaching services at Andy Thomas Careers Now can provide you with the solutions and clarity you’ve been looking for! Let’s unlock the potential within and help you achieve personal, professional, and organizational goals. Meeting developmental objectives and advancing soft skills are key ingredients in transforming our clients into confident and capable leaders who can dramatically influence overall performance. Executive coaching is all about advancing the proficiency of high-potential individuals and it is never too early to start. The rewards can range from an increase in personal satisfaction, title, pay, and overall development.

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For the Employer: A Strategic Approach to Employee Retention and Development

What does a session with one of our highly trained Executive Coaches entail?

  • Constant strategy and guidance to achieve your goals
  • An unbiased sounding board (it can be lonely at the top)
  • Leadership Coaching and Personal Development
  • Self Awareness
  • Critique and advice on presentations
  • Weekly/ BI weekly Check-ins
  • Interview Prep as New Opportunities develop
  • How you’re perceived by others
  • Pinpointing blind spots
  • Identifying current obstacles and options
  • The next steps and objectives to set you up for a long term career trajectory
  • How to manage stress, change, conflict or crisis within the workplace
  • Prioritization and planning
  • Proper communication
  • Time Management
  • How to handle internal networking and politics (managing up, down and across)
  • How to convey confidence and command respect as a leader to make an impact

Our executive coaches Andy Thomas and Kelly Hoffman work to develop their coaching around each unique individual. The benefits of their executive coaching services can be appreciated by individuals and companies alike. We’ve seen frequent and extensive advancement within corporations occur due to this type of coaching through these initiatives. Providing tailored development to benefit and retain key individuals critical to the business can have a long-lasting impact on both the individual and the organization. This is the ultimate win-win!

A close and confidential relationship with our executive coaches Andy Thomas and Kelly Hoffman will provide the tools and training necessary to maximize personal impact and performance.

an Andy Thomas careers now career coach having an executive coaching session

Are you tasked with enhancing employee retention and fostering development within your organization, yet face challenges in achieving these goals? It’s crucial for businesses to understand that investing in employees’ growth is a key factor in retention. Employees who feel valued and supported in their professional development are more likely to stay committed to the company. Effective leadership is instrumental in nurturing future leaders. This not only reduces the significant costs and time associated with talent acquisition and training but also strengthens your organization’s overall capacity. Consider this: the average cost to fill an open position exceeds $4,000, and it can take up to 42 days to fill a vacancy. In contrast, investing in the existing talent through focused development initiatives like management training and executive coaching is often a more efficient and cost-effective strategy. Leadership training is a testament to your company’s dedication to its employees’ futures. It empowers individuals not just to mentor others but also to lead initiatives, enhance internal communication, and foster a positive corporate culture. The ripple effect? Increased professional fulfillment, longevity, and stability within your organization.